Getting Started



  • numpy (for basic calculations)

  • dtt2hdf (for handling diaggui XML files)



  • tqdm (for displaying progress bar)

Installation guide

We recommend using VISHack under Conda environment. Conda is available on k1ctr1 and k1ctr7 in KAGRA.

We will create an environment called vishack.

conda create -n vishack

Then, we can activate it using:

conda activate vishack

You should see a bracket with the environment name in front of the command prompt.

We proceed to install the required packages. The standard rule for installing packages under a Conda environment is to install everything using conda install. If a package is not available, then fallback using pip install. In our case, numpy is available in conda-forge while dtt2hdf is not. So, we do the following. Notice the order of operation, it matters because the first conda install will install an environment specific pip.

conda install -c conda-forge numpy

Then, we confirm that we are using the environment pip, not the global pip by typing which pip. If it shows the global pip, then proceed to install pip by conda install pip. After confirming that we are using environment specific pip, then we can install dtt2hdf.

pip install dtt2hdf

At last, we can install VISHack, by first cloning the repository. Then, change into the downloaded directory and then install it using pip

git clone
cd vishack
pip install .

This is it.

To deactivate the environment, simply type

conda deactivate

Using VISHack

Check out Quick Example for a quick guide and Tutorial for a detailed step-by-step guide on how to use VISHack on both command line interface and Python interface. Don’t forget to check out Command Line Utilities and VISHack Library Reference for detailed descriptions of VISHack as well.