
Using VISHack to do suspension system diagnosis is a 3-step process.

  1. Prepare diaggui XML files with references.

  2. Prepare VISHack configuration file.

  3. Measure and checks (regular-checks) using VISHack.

The first 2 steps are really just preparations that needed to be done once. Step 3 is the actual diagnosis/health check step. There are two ways that can achieve this, using command line or Python.

Here, we present a step-by-step tutorial with an example on how to perform self-diagnosis, otherwise known as “health check”, on KAGRA’s vibration isolation systems (VIS). (In fact, VISHack would work on any systems that can be measured using diaggui.)

All example files are avaliable at https://github.com/gw-vis/vishack/blob/master/examples

The example files have the following structure:

├── configs
│   └── example_config.ini
├── diaggui
│   └── SRM
│       ├── F0
│       │   ├── SRM_IDAMPL_DAMPL_20200929(1).xml
│       │   └── SRM_IDAMPL_DAMPL_20200929(2).xml
│       ├── IP
│       │   └── SRM_IDAMPL_DAMPL_20200929.xml
│       ├── SRM_IDAMPL_DAMPL_20200929(3).xml
│       └── SRM_IDAMPL_DAMPL_20200929.xml
├── example_vishack_healthcheck.py
└── reports
    ├── another_report.rst
    ├── another_report_with_new_threshold.rst
    └── srm_health_report.rst

0. Prerequisites

We assume you know how to use diaggui to take and record measurements as references. If you don’t know how to use diaggui, but still want to perform measurements, good luck.

Basic knowledge of Python is encouraged. If you don’t want to use the Python interface, you can still use the command line interface of VISHack, or even an MEDM or Guardian interface, if someone implemented these in the future.

Of course, we also assume that you have VISHack installed. If not, do check out Getting Started.

1. Diaggui References

The first step of the self-diagnosis procedure is to take references of acceptable/accepted measurements. These measurements are those which defines the vital status of the system. For example, a transfer function. The way VISHack works, is that it compares new measurement results to the references in the diaggui file. To prevent excessive false alarms, we recommend to have no less than 3 references of the same measurement, and, the more, the better. Of course, you can always add the measurements to the references when you decided that it was a false alarm.

In general, a single “health check” of a suspension will associate multiple diaggui XML files with references. It is better to move all diaggui XML files into a centralized directory. Subdirectories can also be used for sorting different measurement files.

We recommend to have separate directories for different suspensions. This is because different suspensions can be checked in parallel.

In our case will use a single dummy diaggui XML file SRM_IDAMPL_DAMPL_20200929.xml and duplicate it as if they were separate independent measurements. In the file, there are 14 references in total. 7 PSD measurements of the channel K1:VIS-SRM_IP_DAMP_L_IN1, and 7 transfer function measurements from K1:VIS-SRM_IP_IDAMP_L_OUT to K1:VIS-SRM_IP_DAMP_L_IN1.

The XML files are all populated inside the folder diaggui/SRM. There are two subfolders diaggui/SRM/IP and diaggui/SRM/F0, just for demonstration.

2. VISHack Configuration file

In the config folder, there’s a config file named example_config.ini. We will be using this configuration for the tutorial.

The configuration is as follows:

Output report = True
  # This will generate a report file.

Report path = reports/srm_health_report.rst
  # This is the path of the report.
  # Use .rst extension to view it with reStructuredText compatible applications
  # like GitHub or Read the docs.

Overwrite report = True
  # This will overwrite if there's file conflict.
  # If true, it will append something before writing.

Alert threshold = 3
  # This alert threshold is in unit of standard deviation.
  # If any of the test results is off by this amount compare to the references,
  # it will be reported.

[Directory settings]
Include subfolders = True
  # This will include all diaggui files in the all subfolders, subsubfolders...
  # etc. In the directories specified below.

# Every diaggui XML files will be checked under these directories.

# Alternatively, we can specify individual files directly.
# Repeated paths will not be checked twice.

# Here are the type of results that we will check.
# Use 'check = True' to enable it or else it will not check.
# Type of tests available are mean-square-error (MSE),
# Maximum absolute error (MAE), and root-mean-square (RMS).
# Tests started with a 'W', such as WMSE, will whiten the data
# with reference before evaluating.
check = True

[Power spectral density]
check = true

[Transfer function]
check = True

3. Using command line VISHack

Note that the directories and paths specified in config/example_config.ini are relative to the example directory. Therefore, we must run everything under the example directory. If you would like to run the tests everywhere, you must specify the full path of the diaggui XML files or the directories in the configuration file.

To run the tests using the config, simply type

vishack -c config/example_config.ini

This will generate a report named srm_health_report.rst in the report directory. Feel free to open it to see how it looks like with your favorite editor. If you view it on GitHub, you will notice something special. If the Overwrite report argument is set to false in the config, the UTC time will be appended to the file name before outputting the report.

The above command will not trigger new measurements. If you would like to measure new results, add -m to the command:

vishack -c config/example_config.ini -m

If you type this on your local machine it will probably output shell error because the diag command is not installed on your local machine but only on k1ctr workstations. Nevertheless, this will still generate the report using the old reports.

During the measurement, you should see meaningless outputs from the diagnostic command line tools diag. In the future, we hope to replace this by a progress bar.

4. Using VISHack in Python

An example Python script is available at example_vishack_healthcheck.py.

This is the script.

import vishack

# Initial an HealthCheck instance with the config file
srm_hc = vishack.HealthCheck(config='configs/example_config.ini')

# Call check() method to do health check. Use new_measurement=True to trigger
# New measurements. In this case you will have to wait until the measurements
# finish. Only use this with k1ctr workstations.
# If you don't have access to workstations, but you still want to check
# diaggui files in hand, you can still do it:
# Uncomment below.
# srm_hc.check(new_measurement=False)

# The new_measurement argument is False by default so specifying it with False
# is actually redundant.

# Since we have already specify to generate a report in the config file,
# There is no need to generate it. In case we want to, we can use the
# print_report() method
srm_hc.print_report(path='reports/another_report.rst', overwrite=True)

# To overwrite the alerts threshold in the config, we can manually generate
# new alerts:

# If we want to check what which files are associated with the alerts,
# We can simply print:
# Exercise: In your local machine, try changing the threshold to 2.0 and see
# what happens to the alert.

# After getting new alerts, we can print new reports.

5. Check out the references

Do check out Command Line Utilities and VISHack Library Reference for detailed descriptions on VISHack.